1 to 10 of 598 结果
2025-3-21 - Published data of Shen et al.
沈路路, 2022, "同时发表的论文: Satellite-based quantification of cropland nitrous oxide emissions", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/F0RUMA, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V3, UNF:6:TmbClRVXxqb0Zn5uz3Y6Hw== [fileUNF]
2025-3-16 - GN-GCN: Grid neighborhood-based graph convolutional network for spatio-temporal knowledge graph reasoning
韩炳, 2024, "同时发表的论文: GN-GCN: Grid neighborhood-based graph convolutional network for spatio-temporal knowledge graph reasoning", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/UIS4VC, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V8
2025-3-13 - Model data
刘明旭, 2025, "N export for 1980 and 2015", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/HCGEHA, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1
2025-3-7 - 新鲜烹饪有机气溶胶颗粒在大部分城市温度范围内以液态形式存在:对化学寿命的影响
侯苏益, 2025, "Fresh cooking organic aerosol particles exist as liquid in most of urban temperature range: implication for chemical lifetime", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/2VZVF2, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1, UNF:6:u8CBqcAegvXZAM2La+8n8w== [fileUNF]
2025-3-7 - 中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)
北京大学中国社会科学调查中心, 2015, "中国家庭追踪调查", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/45LCSO, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V44
2025-3-4 - User Contributed Data
刘诗羽, 2025, "同时发表的论文: 缺失的父爱?——母亲陪读对农村父亲育儿参与的影响,山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/KFZFZF, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1, UNF:6:uZTH05QIpPRHNSldVRctOQ== [fileUNF]
2025-2-22 - “我的工作与隐私不兼容”:审视中国零工经济中外卖骑手的隐私风险——访谈与文本分析数据
叶宇翔, 2025, "Interview Transcripts on the Privacy Risks of Food Delivery Riders in the Chinese Gig Economy", https://doi.org/10.18170/DVN/XJWJ8Q, 北京大学开放研究数据平台, V1