AnnoLnc is a web server for integratively annotating novel human lncRNAs. Designed as a one-stop portal, it accepts human lncRNA sequences as input, and generates a full spectrum of annotations covering sequence and structure features, regulation, expression, protein interaction, genetic association and evolution. Furthermore, heterogeneous annotations are integrated to facilitate unveilling biologically meaningful clues. AnnoLnc provides on-the-fly analysis for input sequences rather than simple data retrieval. Every valid input sequence will be mapped to the human genome to get the genomic location and start downstream analysis. For efficiency, we employ a “cache” strategy. Note that even a submitted sequence is one base different from cached lncRNAs, AnnoLnc will regard it as a novel sequence to reanalyze. There are 3 ways to submit lncRNA sequences: • Paste lncRNA sequences into the big input box at the home page. • Upload fasta file by the batch operation. • Upload fasta file by the web service API. Submit requirement (AnnoLnc will discard sequences that don't meet the requirement): • Fasta format: your sequences must be in fasta format. That is to say, sequence names are required. • The limitation of total sequences: if you paste sequences, up to 100 one time; if you upload a fasta file, up to 500 sequences one time. • Name requirement: names of your sequences should be less than 100 characters. • Sequence requirement: your sequences should be longer than 20bp and shorter than 100,000bp. Only characters in DNA and RNA sequences are allowed.